Effective Interceptor Plate Oily-Water Separator

Effective Interceptor Plate (EIP) Oily-Water Separator, referred to as the new CPI type, is installed to remove free oil (particles larger than 30-60㎛) and total suspended solids (TSS) from wastewater. The EIP Pack is developed with industrial improvement requirements in mind.



Treatment Method

An oil-water mixture is separated using pyramid-shaped plates that are stacked in multiple layers. These plates are arranged within an oil-water separation bath, allowing sludge to naturally accumulate and be discharged from the bottom of the bath

Principle of Separation

Buoyancy application

Installation Type

closed tank

Separating Device

Effective Interceptor plate pack

Separable Oil Size


Separable Oil Content


Oil Content In Treated Water


Sludge Settling

settles smoothly without clogging the plate pack, as the flow direction of the oily water aligns with the direction of sludge sedimentation

remove free oil (particles larger than 30-60㎛) and total suspended solids (TSS) from oily wastewater



High Efficiency with more than 90% treatment efficiency (separated oil droplet size of 50㎛).


Treatment Efficiency


First and Second Stage Separators for Extraction Sites

Ballast Water and Slop Oil Treatment Facilities

Oil Refineries

LNG Plants

Down Stream Plants

Off Shore Oil Rigs


Our team of experts is ready to develop solutions for your project.